Nederlandse fietskennis is gearchiveerd.

Bicycle-train combination Research

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Cycling knowledge

TU Delft – Bicycle-train combination Research

Insights into the bicycle-train combination: welcome on board!

The bicycle as an access and egress mode to and from train stations offers multiple (societal) benefits. A recent study shows that > 60% of the Dutch population who use the combined mode, actually do have the availability of a car, but experience more benefits by using the bicycle+train combination. International studies show that the introduction of shared bicycle systems enabled a shift from car up to 20%. A strong relation with public transport was recommended.

Next to the benefits for the passenger, societal benefits are also widely, namely regarding accessibility, health, safety and sustainability. To conclude, good access and egress facilities also enable to improve the efficiency and quality of public transport networks.

However, good implementation requires attention to up to 40 factors, ranging to safe cycling routes, user characteristics and related preferences and quality of public transport and competing modes. To learn about these and overcome the barriers, we discuss multiple aspects of the combination in detail.

Find the presentation at the European Transport Conference HERE

Find our blog HERE

See also: Niels van Oort

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Cycling knowledge

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De Fietscommunity (2013-2024) was een project om fietskennis te versterken en te delen. De Fietscommunity werkte onder auspiciën van Platform31 (2013-2021) en de Dutch Cycling Embassy (2022-2024). Het archief van de Fietscommunity wordt sinds 2025 gehost door en beheerd door RVDB Urban Planning.

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De Cycling Community en hebben er alles aan gedaan om de makers van externe afbeeldingen en foto’s te traceren. Alle teksten en afbeeldingen © 2013-2025 / RVDB Urban Planning.