Urban Cycling Institute
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Universiteit van Amsterdam – Urban Cycling Institute
Cycling is a simple means that connects to a wide range of very complex problems and challenges of contemporary cities. It is intertwined with many aspects of urban life in all its richness and complexity.
Academic attention for this has been very limited. A more structured approach is needed to map these complex relations, understand best practices and foster reciprocal learning between research and practice.
The mission of the Urban Cycling Institute is:
= Taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the intricate web of causes and effects of urban cycling.
= Balancing a critical academic stance with a pragmatic practice-oriented approach of developing and disseminating knowledge
= Providing a fertile ground for sharing knowledge and learning about urban cycling on all levels of the academic curriculum
Redactie Urban Cycling Institute:
Openresearch.amsterdam, Marco te Brömmelstroet
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De Fietscommunity (2013-2024) was een project om fietskennis te versterken en te delen. De Fietscommunity werkte onder auspiciën van Platform31 (2013-2021) en de Dutch Cycling Embassy (2022-2024). Het archief van de Fietscommunity wordt sinds 2025 gehost door Favas.net en beheerd door RVDB Urban Planning.
Informatie over de archivering:
De Cycling Community en Favas.net hebben er alles aan gedaan om de makers van externe afbeeldingen en foto’s te traceren. Alle teksten en afbeeldingen © 2013-2025 Favas.net / RVDB Urban Planning.