Japan’s economic growth model reaching its limits

Favas.net recently made a working visit to a series of Japanese cities (see case cities list below) and had to conclude that the economic growth model that underpins many public services in Japan reaches its limits. This is clearly visible in the operation of public transport in cities and urban regions where the population size is declining, so there are fewer travellers, and the additional income from the development of real estate and the operation of retail, catering, hotels, etc. have reached their limits. This trend not only undermines the future of public amenities, but also the achievement of green policies. After all, the growth model as such is at odds with the policy objectives laid down in the Kyoto protocol. Favas.net will soon return to this issue with new analyses and associated research.

Source: Favas.net
Images: Favas.net

Case cities list

The middle-sized cities of Okayama, Kyoto, Toyohashi, Fuji and Sakai City.
And various precincts in Tokyo (e.g. Shibuya, Futako-Tamagawa) and Osaka (e.g. Namba Parks)

Two views on Mount Fuji (City of Fuji, April 16, 2023)