Sinterklaas feast probed Fava EdsDecember 21, 2020 CHAD IN AMSTERDAM reveals a critical view on the Dutch Sinterklaas tradition. News0 Comments 0
Increasing gender equality at Reykjavik Fava EdsNovember 29, 2020 Reykjavik Global Forum want to increase gender equality and to promote the positions of women at the top. News0 Comments 0
Failing access to housing, transport and public services Fava EdsOctober 29, 2020 The opportunities for citizens in many countries to participate in urban society are diminishing. News0 Comments 0
Actor-relational approach viewed Fava EdsSeptember 26, 2020 The actor-relational approach of planning grew and evolved to a co-evolutionary perspective on spatial planning. News0 Comments 0
Covid-19 hits poorer districts Fava EdsAugust 28, 2020 Due to Covid-19 vulnerable districts like Ciudad Lineal in Madrid are confronted with sever socio-economic problems. News0 Comments 0
Police brutality is part of a vicious cycle Fava EdsJuly 25, 2020 Widespread police brutality against black Americans is part of a vicious cycle of poverty, drug crime, prosecution and imprisonment. News0 Comments 0
Covid-19 hits residents of vulnerable areas seriously Fava EdsJune 16, 2020 Covid-19 crisis requires enhanced investments in affected urban areas. News0 Comments 0
Ful medames recipe honours famous fava bean Fava EdsMay 29, 2020 Our name is derived from the famous fava bean. Here is our recipe to honour this beautiful bean. News0 Comments 0
A quote about ignorance Fava EdsApril 14, 2020 The most appalling vice being the ignorance that thinks it knows everything (Camus). News0 Comments 0
Inequality undermines cooperation Fava EdsMarch 15, 2020 Inequality is ubiquitous among humans and is generally considered to undermine cooperation and welfare (Hilbe, 2019). News0 Comments 0